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Engaging Faculty

The purpose of the Faculty Engagement Programs is to support faculty in their academic journey by providing the resources and services that could enrich their learning and integration, while fostering their success and sustainable contributions in the Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources, at West Virginia University, and beyond.

Faculty Orientation Programs

The Program was created to ensure that all new faculty are immediately engaged and acclimated to the campus community. During the program faculty are familiarized with the campus and university resources and services and acclimated to the College culture and values.

Learn about the Faculty Orientation Programs

Reunite and Rewind Series

Reunite and Rewind Series: The program is designed to provide useful information for personal and professional growth for all faculty (teaching and tenure lines) in their Years 1-5 at the Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources.

Faculty Engagement Series

The Faculty Engagement Series features sessions and/or short workshops focused on important and timely topics from professional development to engineering curricula development and integration. Sessions are open to all faculty and interested individuals; participating faculty gain access to expert resources that support their career at West Virginia University.

Mentorship Programs

The mentoring programs in the Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources is designed to include multiple aspects of academic life, as well as aspects related to balancing professional and family obligations. The programs are intended to freely address the needs of the participants as they advance through their careers and help create a sense of belonging, community and support network among faculty in the College.​

Learn about the Mentorship Programs

Leadership Opportunities Programs

Dean’s Fellow Program

Program helps eliminate the career development pathway of faculty generally confined within the organization’s various silos (i.e., research, teaching, or service) thus building leaders capable of achieving professional and personal growth. The Program is intended to help the individual faculty develop skills essential to a leader by assuming roles and performing activities that provide opportunities for growth. Through targeted and customized leadership and talent development, the Fellow engages into an intentional effort to build the skills of a leader through development assignments strategies.

Learn about the Dean's Fellow Program

Strengths’ Program

Leadership, professional and personal development opportunities in a safe space with a strengths coach. Opportunities for participants to come together to share challenges and to gain guidance and support.

Interested in learning about your talents and strengths?

Visit the Purpose Center

Purpose Center

Interested in learning about your talents and strengths? The Purpose Center can help. The Purpose Center, the only one of its kind to exist on a college campus, serves as a place for connection and self-exploration. Connecting students with resources across campus to pursue the things they’re passionate about and creating a safe space for them to discover who they are and the impact they want to have on the world around them.

Learn More About the Purpose Center