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Community Engagement Committee

Cerasela Zoica Dinu

Cerasela Zoica Dinu

Associate Dean for Student, Faculty and Staff Engagement

ESB 525

Julie Gruber

Julie Gruber

Outreach Coordinator

ESB G103

 Todd Hamrick

Todd Hamrick

Teaching Professor - Fundamentals of Engineering Program

ESB 177

Michelle Moirai

Michelle Moirai

Assistant Director of Marketing Technology

MRB 373F

Paige Nesbit

Paige Nesbit

Marketing & Communications Director

MRB 345D

Michelle Poland

Michelle Poland

Director and Academic Advisor - Statler College Advising Center

MRB 311A

What the community engagement committee does

  • Engages faculty, staff, and students in all academic units to develop the community of the Statler College​

  • Advocates for programming that support integration and belonging of all Statler community members​

  • Develops, supports and reviews programming, resources and policies related to engagement and community integration​

  • Connects and collaborates with a diverse group of community partners to advance initiatives that promote the development and integration for ALL​

  • Sponsors activities and events that promotes belonging and integration for ALL​

  • Encourages and advances engagement through research, teaching, service and experience learning.